Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Have You Earned Your Tomorrow - Appreciation - Std.10 (HSC)

Have you earned your tomorrow is an inspirational poem by Edgar Guest. In this poem the poet is asking the readers of they have done anything to improve the life of another human being or not. The theme of the poem is to make aware the readers of their duty to do good deeds. Our responsibility towards another individual in words or deeds and finally if God will allow us another day for our actions today. The main figure of speech used is Interrogation, since the poet keeps asking questions to the readers. The rhyme scheme used is aabb, ccaa, ddee and ffaa. Each stanza has four lines and they show different situations of kindness towards others. I like this poem because it makes realize that everything I say or do can change a person's life for the better. The judge of these words or actions is God, who will decide if I have earned another day by the work done today.

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