Thursday, December 28, 2023

'Disadvantages of Television.' - Prepare a speech

You wish to take part in the Elocution contest in your Junior College. One of the topics is 'Disadvantages of Television.' Prepare a speech on it in about 200 words. Respected Principal, teachers and my friends, The topic for today's speech is 'Disadvantages of Television.' In my opinion, there is no real benefit of watching television. I will give you a list of disadvantages of watching television. To begin with everything you watch is someone else's imagination and that's not good because we lose our capacity to be imaginative. Look at the news channels, they keep repeating one thought throughout the day and if we watch the news, we get influenced and we even think in the same way as the news channels. The big disadvantage of watching television is the I'll effects it has on our health. Our eyes are affected, we may say, I watch television for only an hour a day, but over a long time it does have it's affects. We sit to watch television so that 'couch potato' people we hear about, we eventually become. So it's time to give up watching television or to definitely reduce the time we spend watching television for our overall well being. Thank you for listening to me. Brian 92232 03441

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