Wednesday, June 3, 2015



Abide by - You must abide by the terms of this agreement.
Abound in - This area abounds (is rich) in valuable minerals.
Abundance of - There is abundance of wheat in Punjab this year....

Absent from - Rachel has been absent from class for three days.
Absorbed in - He is completely absorbed in his research work.
Abstain from - The labourers abstained from work today.
Acceptable to - This suggestion is not acceptable at all.
Access to - I have no access to the Prime Minister.
Accuse of - Gopal was accused of theft.
Acquainted with - I am acquainted with his family only.
Acquitted of - Rajesh was acquitted of all charges.
Adapt to - You must learn to adapt to the changing circumstances.
Addicted to - Youngsters are addicted to mobile phone games.
Adjacent to - Hotel Swaraj is adjacent to the railway station.
Admit to - Govind was admitted to hospital last week.
Affiliate to - Most colleges are affiliated to the University.
Afflict with - He was afflicted with serious injuries.
Agree to - We agreed to his proposal immediately.
Agree with - Coffee doesn't agree with many people.
Agree upon - We agreed upon a definite course of action.
Aim at - We achieved all that we aimed at.
Alight from - He was the first to alight from the plane.
Allotted to - I completed the task allotted to me.
Allude to - He alluded (hint at) to a story in the Ramayana.
Amazed at - We were amazed at her modern thoughts and views.
Anxious to - He is anxious to visit his friends in Canada.
Apologize to - You must apologize to him for your behaviour.
Appeal to - They appealed to the community for assistance.
Appear to be - He appears to be of very creative.
Appoint for - The best candidate must be appointed for the job.
Aptitude for - John has an aptitude for research.
Arrive at - The train arrives at New York at 9.00 am everyday.
Avail of - You must avail of this opportunity at the earliest.
Aware of - We were aware of their plans.

Backward in - She was not backward in displaying her talents.
Bank on - I don't think we can bank on them this time.
Bargain for - They couldn't bargain for a better deal.
Bear with - The professors have to bear with all sorts of students.
Believe in - I don't believe in encouraging beggars. / I don't believe in communism.
Beneficial to - Regular exercise is beneficial to health.
Bent on - He is bent on completing his assignment.
Bestow on - We must be grateful for the blessings God bestows on us.
Beware of - Beware of self-seeking individuals.
Boast of - She boasts of her exclusive upbringing.
Blind to - A mother is blind to her children's faults.
Born of - He was born of aristocratic parents.
Bound for -  The ship was bound for Amsterdam.
Break into - The robbers broke into his shop and looted it.
Bring about - He has brought about many new reforms.
Bring up - We brought up the child tenderly.
Brood over - It is harmful to brood over past failures.
Busy with - Of late he has been busy with his research.

Call on - We decided to call on the President of the society.
Call at - On the way we called at a friend's house.
Call for - The Principal called for an explanation from the strike leaders.
Care for - I don't care for your objections. I have decided to do it.
Care of - Take good care of your health.
Charge with - He was charged with the murder of the President.
Close to - His house is close to the market.
Close by - The post office is quite close by.
Close down - The old office has been closed down.
Come across - On the way home we came across an old gipsy.
Commend to - I commend him to your care.
Comment on - The inspector commented favourably on our work.
Compete with - The two countries are competing with each other for world domination.
Complain of - He suddenly complained of chest pain.
Complain against - We complained against the attitude of the police.
Comply with - We regret that we cannot comply with your request.
Confer on - The minister conferred with local authorities on the drought situation.
Confide in - I know that I can fully confide in you.
Confident of - He is quite confident of success.
Confine to - He was confined to his bed because of his illness.
Congratulate on - I congratulated my nephew on his success.
Conscious of - I am fully conscious of my responsibility in this matter.
Consent to - I cannot consent to this proposal.
Contrary to - Contrary to our expectations, the government increased the taxes.
Conversant with - She is thoroughly conversant with the situation.
Convict of - He was convicted of theft and sent to prison.
Craving for - He was craving for liquor.
Cure of - He was cured of his illness by the specialist.
Cure for - The cure for the disease has been found.

Deaf to - He was deaf to all our requests.
Deal in - They deal in all kinds of woollen garments.
Decide upon - The company decided upon a plan to collect the arrears.
Deficient in - A rice diet is deficient in proteins and vitamins.
Deal with - You must learn to deal with all kinds of difficult people.
Depend on - Always depend on your own efforts.
Deprive of - Mehta was deprived of his inheritance by his unscrupulous relatives.
Derive from - His income is chiefly derived from his lands.
Desirous of  - She is desirous of joining her husband in the U.S. of A.
Deviate from - Never deviate from the path of truth.
Differ from - This plan radically differs from the earlier one.
Diffident about - I am diffident about passing the entrance test this time.
Disagree with - I entirely agree with you on this point.
Disgrace to - She is a disgrace to her family.
Dispose of - I wish to dispose of my old car.
Dissuade from - I tried to dissuade him from following the wrong course.
Disgusted with - The family is disgusted with his indiscipline.
Distinct from - The turban and beard easily distinguishes a Sikh form others.
Due to  - The delay was due to the traffic on the highway.
Dwell on - He dwelt on the problems of the students at length.

Eligible for - He is eligible for admission to this course.
Embark on - He has embarked on a very ambitious project.
Engaged to - She is engaged to a young doctor.
Enticed into - Don't allow yourself to be enticed into evil habits by anyone.
Entrusted with - I was entrusted with the task of managing the business.
Envious of - Work for your own progress without being envious of others.
Equal to - His skills were equal to that of the others in the workshop.
Estranged from - He was estranged from his own family as he became wealthier.
Excuse for - You have no excuse for your behaviour on the field.
Exchange for - I want to exchange my old car for a new one.

Fall under - He fell under the weight of his own responsibilities.
Familiar with - I am quite familiar with this route.
Fancy to - He has taken a fancy to growing vegetables.
Fascination for - I have a great fascination for good food.
Fit for - Most of the candidates were fit for the job.
Fly into - She flew into a rage at the sight of the watchman.
Fond of - I am very fond of grapes.
Forgetful of - Don't be forgetful of your duties.
Free from - I will be free from work only after 8.00 pm.
Furnish with - The gym was furnished with all the necessary equipment.

BRYAN - phone: +91 92232 03441 / 77100 27662

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