Tips to find a good job
1. Prepare a very good CV. Here are some suggestions
B/10, Pranam CHS., Chikuwadi, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400092
Tel: 92232 03441 Email:
May 22, 2015
Date of birth: June 27, 1962
Simply list your academic qualifications, starting with the most recent, B.Com, B.A., etc and go backwards till Std.X.
Then add your other qualifications, if any, such as computers, etc.
Follow it with your work experience and again starting with the most recent to the first job with the name of the company, title or post held, duration and a brief description.
Then add the simple details
Hobbies: be serious here, if reading is not your hobby, don’t mention it. You are going for a job not to develop another hobby. It’s good to have a hobby but don’t fake it.
Gender: Unless your name suggests otherwise
Passport details: Just the number
That’s it. This is all that is required for a good CV, remember HR personnel are reading endless CVs today so the easier it is for them to read just relevant information, the happier they will be and easier for you to get a good job.
This format, with the name displayed in bold letters at the top like a letterhead is designed to create a brand of the individual. Individuals seeking employment must understand that just as much as a company is working towards a profit motive, employees must also work with a profit motive, i.e. a good salary and the best perks. When we attend an interview it must the interviewee must create an impression of being the best available candidate for the job.
2. Seek employment in a location closest to your home.
Our energy and effort should be focussed towards our job and to used in to and fro activity. When you attend an interview in a company close to your home, then you have got to mention this as a selling point that you live close by and come rain or storm, the chances that you will get to the office will be better than others and also mention that traveling will not consume time and energy required to be productive in office. Keep searching for jobs close to your home and you will find one.
3. Prepare for the interview
This is a very important step. Prepare for the interview. Google questions asked in an interview and appropriate answers. The important ones are “say something about yourself.” Here you have to start with something that is not mentioned in your CV. Don’t start with “Myself (your name).” They already know your name, if you are using the above format your name is loud and clear, go ahead and say some good things about yourself here. If you were assigned some additional or special responsibilities in your present job or in college, now is the time to say that and the success attached to these responsibilities. Write down all the questions and answers and read them again and again till you are able to speak this written information as if you are speaking it naturally. And finally use all the good manners you were taught in school, college and at home. Your knowledge and experience may not get you a job but good manners will.
4. What to wear to an interview:
Formal wear is the safest and best way to dress for an interview. For men trousers, full sleeve shirts tucked in, polished black shoes and a tie if necessary. For women western formals are ideal. Wear traditional if the job recommends one so that you can show your employers that even traditional wear suits you well. Travel comfortably so that you don’t sweat and reach the interview office sweating and sit through an interview perspiring. In case you know that it’s warm and you will probably be a little ruffled by the time you reach the interview office, try to reach a few minutes earlier to freshen up and look your best.
5. Watch those manners:
When you actually enter the cabin for the interview, knock the door, ask for permission to enter, “May I come in,” and then only enter. Once you enter and walk to your seat, greet your interviewer/s, “Good Morning,” etc. and then wait for permission to sit. Before sitting say, “Thank you,” and sit down. Sit straight, don’t cross your legs, don’t play with your hands, in general, don’t fidget. Be calm.
6. Certificates and documents:
This one is very important, DON’T handover your original certificates and documents to any employer unless the employer is a very reputed company and you get an acknowledgement that the documents and certificates will be returned within a stipulated time. The normal procedure to follow is to carry photocopies of all your certificates and documents, handover the photocopies and present the originals for verification voluntarily. If for any reason the employer insists on retaining the originals it is recommended that you let go of such a job, unless as mentioned above.
7. Don’t pay anyone any money for a job
As long you are good in your work, well qualified, and have a good attitude and are willing to work hard, you don’t need to pay anyone to get a job. Be well prepared for the interview, go well dressed, speak to the interviewer’s well and any job you seek is yours.
Bryan T.,
Communication Enhancement and Personality Development for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Phones: 92232 03441 / 93237 58803 / 98690 27662
Twitter: bryan27662
The Common Sense School
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