Friday, January 13, 2023

Std.10 - Speech - the Importance of Kindness

Prepare a speech to be delivered in your school assembly on the topic 'The Importance of Kindness' Use the following points * Makes us happier * Kindness imporves relationships * Kindness slows ageing * Kindness is good for the heart Respected Principal, Teachers and my dear friends, Good Morning everyone! My topic for today's speech is 'The Importance of Kindness.' This quality is one quality which we must all develop for our own benefit. Let me explain this further. What does being kind to other give us? To begin with, it makes us happier and that is to our benefit, and this is just the beginning. It helps us improve our relationships. Let's not go far. How many of us have disagreements with each other and are rude to each other? If we look at the reasons why we do these things, we will realize how silly they are. So bieng kind helps us improve our relationships. The next one won't affect us right now but it we continue our insensitive ways, we will experience the next point sooner than necessary. That is kindness slows ageing. If we have silly reasons to avoid being kind now, these reasons only multiply as we grow older and then it shows. Let's be kind to one another and let's remain young as long as possible by just being kind. Finally, I have one more reason to add to this list. Being kind is good for the heart. Imagine, our good health is based on our feelings. Being kind is a feeling we express and that gives us a healthy heart and that in turn keeps us well, no doctors, no medicines. Think about this and start showing kindness to everyone around. I'm already feeling good by just giving this speech. Thank you for listening. I hope you will all make kindness a priority. Have a nice day!

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