Monday, March 21, 2022

Let's go back to Office Two years, well almost two years since this WFH (work from home) or WFA (work from anywhere) started and now hopefully we are going back to office again soon. Soon as in soon soon. I'm waiting eagerly. Many of my friends too want to go back to their offices to work. So it's not only me. WFH has its pluses and minuses. The pluses include dress casually, actually very casually. No crazy travel. Those crowded buses and then local trains. Both stressful when you are traveling with the crowd. And the time saved, isn't really saved, many times we all have had to work longer hours and so it balanced. The best part of WFH was the hot delicious meals. Initially the mood at home was, "Oh, we're all locked in the house, so we might as well enjoy a good meal." That excitement faded as time passed and the hot evening snacks was the first to go, followed by the dishes getting back to the usual simple dals, vegetables, etc. Food delivery services earned handsomely during the lockdown but when you have your mom at home, she knows to make everything. And so fast food was also homemade. The next point may annoy some of our women colleagues. It's about clothing. Two years, you know and I haven't bought a new shirt and trousers. I wear shirts when I have to attend an online video meet otherwise it's all casual. Just home clothes. And now the most important point. Let's go back to office, that feeling of working with everyone around, meeting people on a daily basis, exchanging ideas, the nervousness before appraisals, meeting deadlines, having chai during breaks, sharing lunch, and enjoying office picnics and functions together is what at least I am looking forward too. Ok, the last bit, something we don't think about, but it's important. The economy, yes, the economy grows. When we go to work, we travel, so the transport business benefits, those workers earn a living. Clothes again, we need to wear formal clothes, so that business benefits, then grooming, men also, don't be surprised what men demand for and women they need it. The big expense is when we colleagues go out for a meal to celebrate birthdays and festivals, weekend dinners, movies, all these activities help the economy, something that we don't even think as serious, but it's real and a big boost to the economy. Brian T. 9223203441 /7710027662

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