Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cleanliness - Speech for school students


Speech on cleanliness for school students

Good morning Madam, (addressing a lady judge)
Good morning Sir, (addressing a male judge)
Good morning Teacher(s), Sir(s) 
And our respected Principal, (only if the Principal is present)

(Looking at the students in the audience) Hello friends,
(when they don’t respond, repeat) Hey hello, I said hello friends, (make the students respond)

My name is Brian from std.____.
Today I’m going to talk about cleanliness. I’ll keep it simple and easy, so friends this one is for all of us so please listen carefully.

What is cleanliness for us children? Right now right here, it’s the uniform I’m wearing. It will get dirty or if it doesn’t, it will still gather dust and dirt by the time I reach home. The bus or rickshaw I travel in will definitely make this uniform dirty. You are all sitting on the floor, it is enough reason to get your uniforms washed today when you go home.

Let’s start from the beginning of the day. I had a bath this morning and do so every morning before coming to school. (looking at the students) I hope you all had a bath too. I wake up early so that I have that ten minutes to have a bath in the morning. That’s cleanliness for all of us. How many of us carry a clean handkerchief to school every day? (take out a handkerchief from your pocket and show the students). I bring a clean one every day.

Next, what’s the condition of my school bag? Is it messy and dirty? Do I just throw my books, tiffin and pencil box into the bag or do I place them neatly in an organized manner? During the recess do I eat my tiffin and let food fall all over the place and make a mess with my friends who share their tiffins with me? This is something we must all pay proper attention to. Just because someone is cleaning and sweeping the classroom, doesn’t mean I have the right to dirty the class. Get this one small detail very clear in your mind, don’t make the classroom dirty in any way. It must be clean just the way it was when I entered the class in the morning. Dustbins are placed on all floors, use them. The toilets are another area, it must be left clean always. Think clean friends, it’s the one way to stay healthy.
Let’s take the next place where we spend a lot of our time. Our home. It must be kept clean always and it’s not just my mother’s or the housemaid’s duty, it is my duty also. While I was writing this speech I realized how my mother would keep on telling me to keep things in place and not to throw things around the house, shoes under the bed, socks on the chairs, uniform on another chair. WOW! I now realize the mess I used to make in the house. Now I have decided to change. Keep my uniform in the washing basket or bucket so that my mother doesn’t have to go all over the house hunting for my uniform. Shoes in the shoe rack, school bag near my study table, tiffin and water bottle in the kitchen sink. These small actions I must do myself for myself and guess what when I tried it out the last few days, I found my house clean and neat and tidy. Just be organized friends.

Like this there are many small actions that I can do to make my surroundings clean. Don’t litter on the street. Never. It is my duty to keep the streets of my area or city clean. Make sure the bins are kept outside the house only when the cleaning people are going to clear the bins in a few minutes, keeping them outside the house overnight is good reason for stray cats and dogs to search for food and throw all the garbage on the steps of the building.

Finally, remember everything starts with me and ends with me. I have to only worry about what I will do, not what my partner in class, my neighbour at home, my co-passenger in the bus or train, none of them matter. If they see me practicing clean habits, they too will do the same. So my dear friends, let’s do something for ourselves to make this school, home and surrounding area clean for myself and everyone else. 

Thank you.

Brian Thankappan 92232 03441 / 77100 27662

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