Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sentences about the Family - to read and learn

Sentences about the Family - to read and learn
1. The older of the two daughters is in the army.
2. She is older by seven years.
3. The eldest of his five sons is a pilot.
4. My sister is older than me.
5. My elder sister is in Tokyo.
6. He is the eldest in the family.
7. The older of the two sisters is Radha.
8. Is he older or younger than you?
9. She has outgrown her elder brother.
10. Ram is the middle child of the three.
11. He was the youngest of all the brothers.
12. The Emperor lived to the ripe age of 96.
13. Her sons grew to manhood and her daughter to womanhood but she looks as young as she was 20 years ago.

1. The couple's parents were present.
2. My paternal grandmother smiled at me.
3. He is related to me by marriage.
4. My maternal grandfather lived in Delhi.
5. She is my step-sister.
6. His sister-in-law lives in Delhi.
7. He is my brother-in-law.
8. She is my daughter-in-law and he is my son-in-law.
9. My stepson/stepdaughter/stepfather/stepmother / stepbrother / stepsister was there.
9. My stepchildren/stepparents were there.
10. She is a cousin on my father's side.
10. She is a cousin on my mother's side.
11. She looks after her widowed father.
12. It turns out that her husband and my cousin was one and the same.
13. What is their relationship? Are they cousins or in-laws or what?
14. They are related by marriage.
15. He is my cousin on the distaff side.
16. Is she related to you?
16. She is also a Verma, but we are not related.
17. He is a remote cousin of mine.
18. She is my twin sister.
19. His immediate family knew everything about his whereabouts.
20. You have such a close-knit family. (close is a little ambiguous but not incorrect. You usually speak of close relatives)
21. Their friends and relatives attended the wedding.
22. Our remote ancestors lived in caves.
23. At least four generations of the old man live in this village.
24. He is a second cousin of mine.
25. That uncle of yours is a cunning fellow.
26. He is not really our grandfather; we lovingly call him grandpa.
27. It was a sample of unbreakable love between mother and son.
28. They are tracing out the tangled web of relationships.
29. They have family ties with the Guptas.
30. He traces his line of descent to the Nawab of Avadh.
31. He claims to be a lineal descendant of the royal family.
32. It was a sample of unbreakable love between mother and son.
33. The present PM comes from a long line of Prime Ministers.
34. He was born of Indian parents who lived in Spain.
35. The great-grandmother has traced her family tree back to five generations.
36. I have six brothers and sisters.
37. She was placed with an uncle of hers after the death of her parents.
38. The neighbours were like proxy parents to the teenagers after the death of their parents.
39. The putative father of the child (of the unmarried mother) died last night.
40. After her parents' death, she was placed in the safe hands of her uncle.
41. A surrogate father is needed.
42. After the death of her natural mother, she was raised by her neighbours.
43. As they had no children of their own, they adopted a child from an orphanage to inherit their wealth.
44. Though the good-natured man has two sons, he has fostered an uncared-for child.
45. The neighbours brought him up as their own child.
46. The old man is blessed with a grandson.
47. The grandfather always dotes on his grandchildren.
48. The grandmother inquired after her family. (unless she is asking about some male's family)
49. Grandmother has sent greetings to all.
50. They have no issue and the grandmother is longing to hear the patter of tiny feet.
51. Grandmother said, "give my love to Pappu."
52. The children came running to meet us.
53. Children give new meaning to the lives of parents.
54. Grandchildren are a solace in old age.
55. Kiss your mother good night, son.
56. The mother of the twins looked after her natural as well as adopted children.
57. All the children were asked to stay together for fear of getting lost in the Kumbh Mela.
58. She brought forth a daughter.
59. She gave birth to two daughters; one brunette, the other blonde.
60. My wife is expecting a baby next month.
61. She was overjoyed by the prospect of becoming a mother.
62. She doesn't work in any office—she keeps house.
63. They set up house together in Delhi.
64. He was born of Indian parents in Japan.
65. He was part Italian and part German.
66. Please give your grandmother my regards.
67. It is your filial duty to stop and see your parents when you are in their city. Please give your family my regards.
68. Their union was blessed with three sons.
69. He proposed a toast to the newlyweds.
70. The husband and wife are attached to each other.
71. Sister Nivedita was attached to India.
72. They considered divorcing several times but lived together for the sake of their children.
73. It was a 2 km-long marriage procession.
74. At the party, a big balloon burst with a bang.
75. The couple walked in the park, arms entwined.
76. Lovers holding hands loiter about in the city park every evening.
77. A troop of guests, dancing and singing, moved towards the bride's house.
78. He is a hen-pecked husband.
79. The husband has to pay 10% of his income to his divorced wife for the upkeep of the children.
80. The tail of the marriage procession consisted of old men and women.
81. The old members of the marriage party were dancing with the zest of teenagers.
82. Congratulate me! I have just become a grandfather.
83. The great-grandmother is the repository of the family history.
84. Both husband and wife share the housework equally.

Similar looks
1. The two sons do not look alike.
2. The daughter looks exactly like her mother.
3. She is a true replica of her mother.
4. She is very much like her elder sister.
5. The two sisters are so alike that the neighbours always get them muddled up.
6. There is a striking similarity between the two brothers.
7. Can you tell Sita from her twin sister Rita? They have a striking resemblance.
8. He is the double of his brother.
9. I can't tell one brother from the other as they look alike.
10. It is difficult to distinguish between the two sisters wearing identical dresses.
11. I took her to be his wife--in fact, she is his sister.
12. He is the double of his eldest brother.

1. He has willed everything to his daughter.
2. He has signed all the property over to his children.
3. In monarchy, the title of king passes by inheritance to the eldest son.
4. The property was divided between his two sons, who further sub-divided it among their sons and daughters.
5. Who succeeded King Arthur?

6. Rani Laxmi Bai succeeded the throne of Jhansi after her husband's death, without any celebrations.

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