Friday, May 20, 2016

You need to attend an interview in Mumbai and require money for traveling and other expenses. Write a letter to your father asking for money for the expenses.

You need to attend an interview in Mumbai and require money for traveling and other expenses. Write a letter to your father asking for money for the expenses.

Dear Daddy,
I have been sending applications to several companies for the post of accounts clerk. The replies have started coming in. Many of them are replies of rejection.

However, this morning I received a letter from Vishal Computers of Mumbai. They have a vacancy for the post of an accounts clerk an have called me for an interview on the 20th of this month.

As Mumbai is just four hours away from Nasik, I will have to leave in the morning by train. I need money for the train fare, food and local expenses and to return the same evening. Please transfer about Rs.3000/- to my account in Bharat Co-operative Bank as soon as possible.

I will let you know the result of the interview. I hope to get this job and begin to support myself and also send you some money every month.

Love to Mummy and Omkar,

Yours affectionately,

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