Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sri Krishna Taught And Embodied Yoga

Sri Krishna Taught And Embodied Yoga
M N Kundu

Sri Krishna was undoubtedly the best exponent of yoga, the art of cosmic union with the Absolute and working in daily life with that consciousness.

In the Gita and the Bhagavatam, he explained the theory of yoga while in real life he demonstrated the practice of the same. He clarified that equanimity is yoga, the art of right action which enables one to remain steadfast amid worldly tribulations and tackle all disharmony, the root cause of all evils and problems with divine anchorage. His yoga was not the preparatory Hatha Yoga for health and healing but the highest yoga for liberation and living. He placed transcendental yoga of Maharishi Patanjali into social context, linking it with selfless service to humanity, infinite expansion of Self with ultimate wisdom and entire abolition of delimiting ego with divine devotion.

Entire creation is an ideational composition of consciousness of Spirit which is manifested in and through Nature. While Nature is constantly active, creative and operative consciousness lying at the backdrop is always behind the screen.Mind, matter and prana owe their existence to consciousness. As a yogi, Krishna was always anchored in cosmic consciousness, yet perfect in enactment of his human role. This is the yoga of wisdom with which he was simultaneously more divine and more human in the stupendous drama of creation exhibiting what true yoga is. The simplest method of yoga is to develop non-attachment with discriminating wisdom and cultivate unconditional love for God.

In the life of Krishna we find the ideal golden mean for living.He did not follow any world negating life of renunciation but showed what mental renunciation is. Clinging to anything was absolutely foreign to his smiling nature.He perfectly played the role of a naughty child, a playful youth, a statesman par excellence, an intimate friend, a beloved husband and above all embodiment of wisdom. His prescription for life is to maintain non-attachment to anything and everything being calmly active. Thus he exemplified the practice of Karma Yoga.He himself remained thoroughly within worldly life, being entirely aloof from it despite apparent involvement. He never hesitated to leave his dear gopis, kingdom and even life, being ever fixed in witness-Self. In the Gita, Krishna advises us to do our duties knowing fully well that the result will be in the hands of the Almighty. Practice of detachment to worldly matters and maintenance of perfect equanimity under all circumstances with absolute surrender to the will of God are the best course. Thus he prescribed yoga, the art of right action as the way to unification with the eternal Self. Keynote of Krishna Consciousness is divine love for the Omnipresent Absolute in everybody. Krishna is the embodiment of love ­ love for mother Yashoda, cowherd friends, classmate Sudama, devotional gopis, Pandavas, specially Arjuna and even his killer-hunter Jara who shot his deadly arrow by mistake. With Christ-like love, he consoled his killer saying that it was all predestined and the killer acted as an actor in the drama of divine love. These are all manifestations of same divine love which enables us to see Krishna in everybody and see everybody in him and serve them all.

Assertion of non-doership despite doing everything, never expecting fruits of action and accepting all that follows despite taking the best action and surrendering everything to the will of the Almighty enables us to acquire our divine inheritance and enjoy peace, bliss and everlasting joy. The life of Krishna embodied his presentation of the aforesaid concept of yoga.

Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
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