Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The right way to do planks

The right way to do planks

If rock-hard abs and a sculpt ed six-pack is what you are looking for, then doing plank exercise is your best bet.Experts say that if done right, this is an effective exercise, which can give you stronger abs. If you are a regular at the gym, you would be aware that most fitness enthusiasts term this as a deceptively simple exercise. However, if you are a gym novice, you need to know that one can easily go wrong while doing planks and that may lead to injury .Swati Shah, wellness and fitness professional says, “The plank exercise is about maintaining a position that is akin to a push-up, for the maximum time one can hold. One of the key points to keep in mind is that your back should be tabletop straight, not arching or piking.“ Check out the illustrations to get it right..
Planks help to develop core strength and also works other muscle groups like your shoulders, arms and glutes
Fitness professionals say that it is important to know the difference between pain and discomfort when you do any kind of exercise.Weight management and lifestyle coach Amrapali Patil explains, “Discomfort is common when you are a beginner. Listen to your body and respond accordingly.“
When doing the plank, you should consciously contract your abdominal muscles advises Swati. She adds, “If you are a beginner, start with holding for only 30 seconds. Later, increase your timing to three minutes and then maybe till one whole song plays. That is a trick I use. The song motivates me to hold on to the plank position till it is over.“
Don't hold your breath! This one is a basic mistake that many make. Agreed the posi tion is strenuous, especially so if you are a beginner, but you need to keep breathing.
Do not let your head droop when you are holding the pose.
Your head and neck are an extension of your back. Keep them all in one straight line.
Avoid reaching your butt to the sky -planks are not the downward dog pose.
Do not collapse on your lower back. Avoid dipping your butt.
Keep your spine straight to avoid spinal injuries.
Do not keep counting on the seconds you have to hold.
Quality is always better than quantity.
Once you are a pro at planks, you can move on to the Elevated Planks -doing planks while your legs are on a stool or a table. You could also try Suspended Planks, wherein you do the exercise using a suspension trainer.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Will you brb? Deffo read this, then!

Will you brb? Deffo read this, then!

No, these aren't typos.
Internet slang has now found its way into a well-known dictionary
For some, this has come into the everyday language -from official emails to popchats, SMSes and more. And now, if you use this shortcut way of speaking -with words like `brb', `lol' and `ttyl' as well as current social terms like `glamping', you might be doing the right thing, linguistically! A wellknown dictionary has added popular abbreviations and slang to their line-up and it's going to shake up the way we all communicate. Here are a few of the latest additions you might relate to...TL;DR: Used as a dismissive response to a lengthy online post, or to introduce a summary of a lengthy post: `TL;DR-I just scrolled all the way down but that took forever'
BRB: Means `Be right back'.How many times you might have used that in short messaging?
ICYMI: This is definitely a much-used term. For those not in the know, it's a short for `in case you missed it.' Budgie smugglers: Budgie smugglers is an Australian term used since the 1990s that refers to a pair of tight men's swimming trunk. Stupid o'clock: A time of the day that is extremely early or late.
Glamping: A hybrid of glamour and camping, this involves accommodation and facilities more luxurious than traditional camping.Director Guy Ritchie set up glamping tents at his wedding venue.
GTG: Got to go.
LMAO: Another popularly used term, LMAO means `laughing my as off'. ROFL (rolling on the floor, laughing has made the list, too).
AFK: Away from the keyboard.
FWIW: For what its worth.
SYS: See you soon.
TBH: To be honest.
JK: Just kidding.
Bao: Fan of the Chinese steamed bun? It's in the dictionary now.
Listicles: These stand for online newspaper or magazine articles presented in the form of a list.
L8R: Later.
Deffo: Definitely
Meaning the gender opposite of dude.