Sunday, January 24, 2016

Speech - Occasion of Send-Off for SSC students of your school

Speech - Occasion of Send-Off for SSC Students of your school

Respected Principal, Teachers and all our friends of Std.10,

This is a special day in my life and I am honoured to be here to welcome everyone for this momentous occasion when our students of Std.10 bid farewell to our beloved school.

We are happy and excited that you will be soon stepping out into the “big world” to put into practice what this great school has taught you. We know that you will remember the lessons taught to you by our exceptionally good teachers, not only in your day-to-day lives but also in all the other institutions  and organizations you will have the honour of being a part off.

On behalf of the whole school, especially all the students, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the students of Std.10 for the great leaders you all were to us. On every occasion you stepped out of the limelight and let us take the lead in all the programs held this year, you led us by example and when we erred you graciously took the responsibility and corrected our mistakes gently. The whole school will remember this batch as an outstanding batch and we hope we will be able to impart some of that quality to the other students when we step into your shoes next year.

We know that you will prove to be worthy citizens of this great nation and you all will be shining examples of honesty, understanding and fairness in every area of your lives and wherever you go and we know that you will be successful in whatever field you choose. Your foremost task now is to bring the best SSC results this school has ever had.

We wish you all the very best for the board exams and in all that you do in life.

May God be with all of us all the time.


by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662


Sunday, January 17, 2016

A SURVIVAL GUIDE for Office Rookies

- In the first place, get it right

Your first job teaches you lessons no college does.
Here's how you survive the initial months of your career

Young and reckless -that's what we are in our 20s. We motorcycle our way through life with no helmet on, until we hit the career highway. Suddenly, we are expected to be responsible and mature, or at least on the path to being `settled'. The transition from wild to mild is not easy and takes some discipline. But steer clear of these major faux pas and you'll be cruising in auto-mode in no time.

If you have a nine-to-five job, stick to the company's official timings. If you have flexible work hours, stick to your word instead. Walking in at 1pm when you promised to report at 11am reflects on your commitment. In your first year, you want people to take you seriously. And how will anyone do that if you can't even honour your own word?

Office romance isn't a cardinal sin, but get to know your colleagues and the rules of your workplace better first. The first year is definitely not the right time for you to swipe imaginary rights on those hotties in office. How about you learn more about the job first?

Office parties involve a lot of free booze and that's reason enough to get drunk, right? Wrong! Many inappropriate things can be said and done when drunk and you don't want to face the consequences of something you don't even remember doing!

Sometimes, it's hard to deal with the repercussions of unpleasant decisions that we take at the workplace -like quitting the job. But remember, this is professional, not personal. Your organisation will be far more appreciative if you resign formally and serve your notice period instead of pulling a disappearing act. Take Shreeji Doshi's case, for example. A fresh graduate, he joined a company while simultaneously appearing for post-graduate courses' entrance exams. Just ten days into the job, he secured admission in a premium college. Unsure of how to break the news to his boss, he simply stopped reporting to work. “That affected our relationship completely. If I had manned up, we would have probably remained in touch,“ says Doshi. Absconding can also lead to a bad reputation in the job market, blacklisting and even legal tussles.

You may find your colleagues friendly, but that doesn't mean that they are your friends. Khusbhu Merchant learnt this the hard way, when she started discussing her personal problems with her teammates. “If I messed up at work, people started attributing it to my personal life, even when it was unrelated,“ says Merchant. In the first year of your job, people may try to exploit your vulnerabilities; don't throw your personal problems to the mix.

You don't have to impress your bosses all the time. You are new to the job and they understand that. So if they ask you to tackle something brand new, seek help. Here's how: Boss: Rohan, can you make a case study out of our last project?

You: Yes sir, but can I do it with someone who has done it before so that I get it right, as this is my first time? Boss: Of course, of course. Sit with Shreya.
This way, your boss will not only realise that you are aware of where you need to improve at work but also that you have good communication skills.

If you have a client-facing job, you might be in a position where clients ask you something that you don't have the official answer to. In such situations, do not respond. It is absolutely fine to say that you will get back to them, even if you know what the answer should be. Similarly, do not perform any task without your boss's instruction or approval. Nithin SV, a software consultant, says, “Once, I discussed a software upgrade with a customer who seemed interested. So I got cocky and did the upgrade before getting an approval. I got a lot heat from the customer and my boss. This happened on the second day of my job.“

It's one thing to say, “I hate Mondays“ and quite another to say, “Today I worked on the Reliance accounts file“. You could put your company in trouble or inadvertently give information to your company's competition. You could even put your organisation, and yourself, at risk of legal action.

(The writer has spent a decade in jobs ranging from a management role in a consulting firm to working in the non-profit sector)


Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dialogue - Conversation between a Tree and a Human Being

Dialogue - Conversation between a Tree and a Human Being

Tree: Hi, Human Being, How are you? I hope you are well.

Human Being: I am fine, thank you and how are you?

Tree: I’m not fine at all. I’m totally choked, burnt and very hungry.

Human Being: Choked, burnt and hungry? Why? How come?

Tree: Choked because of all the pollution, look at the number of cars, bikes and other vehicles on the road and all those fumes, I can’t breathe and look at me I’m drying away. And hungry because I haven’t been fed for years. And you people are so smart that you use the air conditioning to such a great extent that the heat generated is burning all the leaves and the trees are going bare. If the air conditioning use is reduced at night, the overall temperature will come down drastically. Do you even have a clue of what I’m saying?

Human Being: I can understand you’re being choked, the number of cars and all other vehicular traffic included it’s really bad and the air is totally polluted. We human beings are so many that  it’s really getting crowded and there’s a big rush everywhere. What solutions do you suggest?

Tree: To begin with, you need to stop cutting us. You can’t live without us. You will die of extreme pollution and suffocation, if we don’t produce fresh oxygen for you to breathe. That shade providing activity is no more important. Next you will have to reduce your use of air conditioning, reduce the use of your vehicles. I have noticed that even if you have to buy some groceries in your neighborhood you take you two wheeler, can’t you walk?? You have become so lazy.

Human Being: Is that all?

Tree: Now comes that most important. I’m starving. I haven’t been fed for years.

Human Being: You need food? Don’t you get it from the soil?

Tree: Exactly my friend, but you have built a concrete jungle and cut off a lot of city greenery and the soil does not contain any nutrition and you too are not compensating for the loss of nutrition. You need to feed us and replenish for the loss of food.

Human Being: How should we human beings replenish your food and provide nutrition?

Tree: In the forest, ripe fruits and leaves fall on to the ground, and create manure and we get the required nourishment. Now you “smart” people consider the leaves as garbage and sweep them away and just water the ground near the trees and expect us to provide fresh oxygen. That’s not going to happen. Imagine a situation where you are living only on water. How long do you expect the live like that? You will have to feed us. It’s simple, all the natural waste generated in your homes is our food. Let me explain in simple terms. When you eat a banana and throw the peel in the dustbin, you are throwing away our food. In the dustbin, it will rot and stink, but if you bring it down and keep it near us it will convert into manure and we will get our required nourishment. All the peels of fruits and vegetable should be simply scattered around us and if your gardener is a little helpful and digs around he shuffle the ground and all these peels will mix up well and we’ll never be malnourished. Can you imagine the amount of garbage you will save and food you will provide us and we will be able to give you fresh air and you will not suffer.

Human Being: We just throw all those peels into the garbage bin and they are collected by garbage trucks and just cause huge stinking dumping grounds. If we simply scattered them around the trees we would save ourselves by feeding you. I will spread this message to everyone and hope all will contribute towards reducing the use of air conditioners, vehicles and other pollution causing practice. I will also scatter all the natural waste on the ground so that some manure is created as food for the trees in our neighborhood. Thank you very much for this knowledge and I assure you of my commitment to help build a better environment.  

Communication Enhancement, Soft Skills, IELTS, TOEFL Training, Organisational Consultant, and Personal Growth Coach
Phone: 77100 27 6 62 / 92232 03441
Skype: bsnmglobal
Twitter: bryan27662
The Common Sense School - Founder and Chief English Educator
Serenity Foundation - Trustee

One Family - One Tree
Every peel of fruit and vegetable should be placed at the foot of a tree, you will save a lot of garbage and "feed the tree for free."

Sunday, January 3, 2016



India won its independence from the British rule on August 15, 1947 and became an independent country. The Indian Constitution, however, came into effect only on January 26, 1950 and since then this day has been celebrated as Republic Day all over the country every year.

The Republic Day celebrations are held on a grand scale in New Delhi, India’s capital city. Crowds in great numbers attend the flag hoisting ceremony led by the President of India. This is followed by an impressive march past by the armed forces.

Following the march past, there is a procession of floats carrying singing and dancing troupes from different states. Many floats show different aspects and stages of social, cultural and industrial progress achieved in the states, cities and towns of India. Similar Republic Day celebrations are held in capital cities of states with great colour and joy.

In our school we celebrate Republic Day with traditional ceremonies, including unfurling of the Indian tricolour, dance performances of various states by the students, a motivational message by the Principal, decorating our classrooms with national colours and the students are encouraged to wear traditional clothes to give a communal flavour to the whole atmosphere.

The Republic Day is the day we vowed to preserve and safeguard the freedom and integrity of our country at all costs. We took an oath to strive for the welfare, peace and prosperity of our beloved motherland.


Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662