Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Write the Right Words

Vaishali Tanwar


E-mails are ubiquitous.
There is no surprise that a large percentage of these mails are business mails. An effective mail can make your impression really strong, but a poorly-written mail leaves an equally poor impression at work.

The art of writing e-mails is hardly discussed, but emails are one of the most crucial part of any business.So, here is how you can write an effective business mail.

The purpose of your e-mail must be easily identified. Business e-mails should be crisp and should be able to convey the message effectively. “By reading the mail, the receiver should understand the purpose of the e-mail, whether it is for a decision or simply for an information. Bullet points highlighting the conversation are considered most effective,“ suggests Deepak Shetty, senior director HR, Philips Innovation Campus, Bengaluru. Vipul Singh, vice president and head of HR, ADP Private Limited gives an interesting mantra for business mails, “The KISS rule applies to e-mails. Keep it short, simple and straight to the point.“ One should keep the objective of the email in mind as it will help n writing clear and concise e-mails. “Trying to use big words and corporate jargons s a baggage that professionals carry, which should be avoided to make a lasting impact,“ further adds Rajita Singh, head HR, Broadridge Financial Solutions.

CC with moderation
Emails should be addressed to only those who need to read it, as it seems to be a practice these days to mark a large number of people in copy. The result is that the mail goes into spam. As per the experts, recipients marked on the mail should be chosen as needed and categorised appropriately under 'To', 'CC' and 'BCC'.

Salutation is where the most goof-ups happen. The most commonly used accepted salutation is Mr / Ms. In certain circumstances, sir / madam is also accepted f the recipient is very senior in age or holds an important position. 'Hi' and 'dear' are largely used as a prefix.

Subject line
In addition to the body of the mail, it is very important that the subject line of the mail is of the reader's interest for him to read through.

Since a majority of these mails may be written internally amongst the employees of the same organisation, the language and tone of the e-mails will surely reflect on interpersonal relationships within the organisations.When we meet people faceto-face, we use the other person's body language, vocal tone, and facial expressions to assess how they feel. E-mail robs us of this information, and this means that we have to be extra cautious with what we write and how it will be perceived.

Finally, before you hit 'send', take a moment to review your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.Initially, little practice may be required while writing critical e-mails, especially when one is writing to someone senior in the organisation. Framing a skeleton or the rough flow of the email in your mind before actually writing the email will help set the context right. Editing the emails thoroughly is necessary to make the emails effective. “No one would like an e-mail filled with grammatical and typographic errors. Hence, in spite of applying spell check and other autocorrect options, one should thoroughly review and edit the email before sending,“ concludes Singh.


Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Email: bryan27662@gmail.com
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662

Essay - The Importance of Newspapers

How would a day go if there was no newspaper dropped at the doorstep one morning? To many it would be as if the day would have never begun and the most important activity of the day would have been left incomplete. To most adults, a cup of tea and the morning paper are the perfect combination to kick start the day and the tea will lose some of its flavour if there was no newspaper to go along with it.
The rapid spread of education all over the globe has created a huge reading community who eagerly wait for the morning newspaper. The daily newspaper has become an integral part of our lives and most of us can’t begin our day or live without it.
The newspaper is considered as a “Textbook of Life.” It gives us information about recent happenings and events in and around the city and country. It also provides us with a whole lot of other features, which we have grown used to by reading the newspaper.
The newspaper has enormous power in shaping the opinion of the public and influencing our lives and instilling values. A newspaper should be clean, truthful, free and fearless and can do enormous good by helping people to think rightly and impartially on important social and political issues.
In recent times, the TV and different social media platforms have added to the media, which has made news available 24 hours live as it happens. People can watch various incidents and events live and in the case of calamities, aid can be available at a moment's notice. However, the same news in the newspaper is more detailed and can provide more information. Newspapers provide more special features, such as editorials, sports, business pages and classifieds advertisements. All these features make the newspaper a very valuable friend.
Many newspapers also provide supplements that are entirely devoted to local news and articles of general interest. These additions provide delightful reading, without these sections the newspaper seems very incomplete.
Reading newspapers also helps to improve an individual's language and vocabulary. This is a very important aspect of an newspaper, besides being a source of information and entertainment. The newspaper gives us something to think about and relieves us of a lot of stress of our routine and monotonous lives.
The newspaper is therefore, a very important part of our lives and something we can never do without on a daily basis.



 Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Email: bryan27662@gmail.com
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Corporate Tips - The Right Approach



Adopting the right approach towards your work life such as paying attention to your attitude, dressing style and your approach towards work can help attract a number of positive benefits. These can pave the way for building a solid professional life by helping you attract your superiors' attention, maintaining a healthy relationship with your immediate colleagues and coming across as a dependable employee. Here are a few things you should incorporate in your daily work life to create a positive image at your workplace.

Every organisation has a different work culture. When you join a firm, try and understand its work culture and priorities.It is equally important to un derstand your job profile and what the organisation expects from you.

“It is a good idea to be cautious of the conversation that you make with your co-workers. Do not intrude into your colleague's personal space.Compliment your colleagues and teammates for their achievements. Refrain from gossiping at work, it will most likely backfire someday. Avoid using a commanding tone while you communicate. Instead of commanding while you manage a team, ask your peers for their opinion on a particular subject. This goes a long way in building a strong team,“ says Sheena Agarwaal, Director, Urbanista Image Consulting LLP.
It is essential to pay attention to how you dress at work. Groom yourself and maintain a neat appearance keeping your job profile in mind. While dressing up casually at work may be acceptable at times, one needs to understand that they cannot dress casually while attending a meeting or presenting to a client. Another thing to keep in mind is that you are comfortable in the clothes you wear. This will help avoid distractions.

“Grooming is important to the extent of being neat, tidy and professional. One doesn't need to wear expensive clothes, perfumes, makeup, etc, to be well groomed. At the same time, one cannot sport an unkempt, dishevelled look or that which is unbecoming of the workplace culture,“ says Saba Adil, Head, HR, AEGON Life Insurance.
While we don't pay attention to our posture at work, it is important to understand that a professional's posture says a lot about his attitude. A professional with a straight posture suggests that they are attentive and enthusiastic about their work. On the other hand, being sloppy or sitting with your hands crossed suggests that you are rigid and are not open to suggestions.

Whether it means meeting deadlines or reaching on time at work, being punctual is crucial. Making sure that you meet your deadlines will not only help you develop a stress-free work atmosphere, but also displays your commitment towards your work. Additionally, maintaining a record of the assignments you have completed will make you look organised.

“Everyone likes employees who complete their assignments on time. Maintaining a punctual work schedule helps the team coordinate better and meet deadlines. Focusing on the projects at hand will also ensure that you don't get involved in office politics and gossips, thus keeping you at bay from a negative work environment,“ says Arun Bala, COO of Invenio Business Solutions.

Everything that your colleagues say is not always negative or to pull you down. At times, your peers' advice can be beneficial to you. Do not take every critical evaluation personally. Instead, trust that your colleagues have the intent of helping you execute and accomplish your tasks better.

Be respectful, approachable and focused while at work. Bear in mind your organisation's expectations from you and conduct yourself accordingly.


Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Email: bryan27662@gmail.com
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662



Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Live without Fear of the Past or Future

Live Without Fear of The Past or Future
Satsang: Swami Sukhabodhananda

How can we overcome fear?

First understand that most fears are nothing but movements of thoughts. What exactly is a thought?

A thought is a language that we give for words, pictures and feelings. Put in a different way , a thought is just a movement of word, picture and feeling.You interpret a thought in your mind in a language that you are afraid, and you experience fear.

What happens when you are in a state of deep sleep? In that state there are no thoughts, and you experience no fear at all. If there is no thought, there is no fear. When you are in deep sleep, a snake may glide close to you, but you are not afraid. On the other hand, when you are awake, the sight of even a coiled piece of rope can fill you with fear, because you think that the rope coiled is a snake. We can only advise all those who are afraid ... plan for your future; there is no harm in that. But your fear about the future would only ruin your happiness.In order to protect your wealth, plan where to keep it safe; plan how to insure it against theft and so on! To live in fear, without doing any of these things is meaningless.

Where and how do we search for God?

Remember that God hides within you, but you don't see Him because the one place you will never look is inside yourself. You will search everywhere, but never within yourself. Therefore, paradoxical as it sounds, it is nevertheless true that you lose sight of God because He is hiding within you.

Look at what God has given us; much more than what we see around us. Our intelligence ­ buddhi ­ is the prime gift. Yet, are we loving and grateful enough to God who has given us all these? Do we have even a little of the gratitude a dog has towards its keeper? No! That is why Dattatreya considers the dog as one of his gurus.

Dattatreya draws four lessons from the dog. A dog doesn't count its misfortunes or grieve over them. That is, a dog doesn't live in the past. It doesn't make long-term plans either. It doesn't live in the future. It lives instinctively , from moment to moment. A dog's life is one unbroken straight line marked by love, devotion and gratitude to the one who sustains it. Devo tion is its defining property .

Can we give up being able about our past misfortunes miserable about our past misfortunes and mistakes? Can we desist from gloating over some lucky events of the past? Can we stop worrying about what is going to happen to us in the near or distant future? Can we accept life on its own terms? Can we learn simply to be loyal to God and rely on Him for all we need and want?

Note that these are disciplines we impose on ourselves. When we reach this stage, we will have achieved a mental state that looks with equal ease at happiness and sorrow, at misery and luxury; in short, we will have seen God in ourselves. This is the essence of the great Sanskrit saying, “Tat twam asi“ ­ “You are That“, or “You are the object of your search”. A believer's spiritual journey is a discipline for reaching this stage of supreme Self-realisation.

Follow Swami Sukhabodhananda at speakingtree.in



Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching
for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Email: bryan27662@gmail.com
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662



Sunday, December 6, 2015

To See and Hear, Silence the Mind

To See And Hear, Silence Your Mind
J Krishnamurti

The act of listening completely to something that is factual ­ without opinion, without judgment, condemnation, without any interference of the word ­ is extremely arduous. It requires total attention, and so also does the act of seeing. I wonder if we ever see anything at all ­ a tree, a mountain, a river, the face of one's spouse, of a child, or of a passerby? I question it because words, ideas, formulas, interfere with what we are seeing.

You say , “What a lovely mountain!“ and that very expression prevents you from looking ­ which is again a psychological fact. To see something completely, your mind must be quiet, without the interference of ideas. The next time you observe a flower, notice how difficult it is to look at it non-botanically ­ particularly if you happen to know something about botany . You know the species, you know all the varieties of that flower, and to look at it without any interference of the word, without the intrusion of your knowledge, of your likes and dislikes, is again very arduous. The mind is always so busy , so distracted; it is constantly chattering, never seeing, never listening. But when the mind is quiet, to listen and to see does not require effort. If you are actually listening to what is being said now, and therefore understanding what is being said, you will find that your listening is without effort.

Inward or psychological revolution implies a complete transformation, not only of the conscious mind, but of the unconscious as well. You can easily change the outward pattern of your existence, or the way you think. You may cease to belong to any church at all, or you may leave one church and join another. You may or may not belong to a particular political or religious group. All that can be changed very easily by circumstances, by your fear, by wanting greater reward, and so on. The s superficial mind can easily be changed, s but it is much more difficult to bring about a change in the unconscious ­ and that is where our difficulty lies. And the unconscious cannot be changed thro ugh volition, through desire, through will. It must be approached negatively .

To approach the total consciousness negatively implies the act of listening; it implies seeing facts without the interference of opinion, judgment, or condemnation. In other words, there must be negative thinking. Most of us are accustomed through training and experience to conform, to obey, to follow established moral, ethical, ideological authorities. But what we are discussing here demands that there be no authority of any kind, because the moment you begin to explore, there is no authority. Each moment is a discovery . How can a mind discover if it is bound by authority , by its own previous experiences? So negative thinking implies the uncovering of one's own assertive, dogmatic beliefs and experiences, one's own anxieties, hopes and fears; it implies seeing all these things negatively , that is, not with the desire to alter or to go beyond them, but merely observing them without evaluation.

To observe without evaluation is to observe without the word. We are conditioned by words. We say of a person that he is a communist or a Catholic or an Englishman or an American or a Swiss, and through that screen of words we look and listen; so we never see, we never hear.

That is why it is so important to be free of our slavery to words. (Courtesy: KFI)


Re-posted by Bryan T.,
Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development Coaching for students, professionals, institutions and corporate
Email: bryan27662@gmail.com
Phones: 9 2232 03 441
Twitter: bryan27662